BLM and Police Brtuality

4:16 PM A Student's Perspective 0 Comments

The Black Lives Matter movement has brought about a lot of support from many different areas across the world. What the movement embodies and encompasses is in all honestly for the best. The Black population wants fairness and equality in their lives and the movement seems to have the view that the police force targets their people specifically over other races.

Is this true? Are Police racist? Do they have an agenda against the Black population?

It is truly a grey matter. There is no doubt that racism exists and you would be pretty hard pressed to find a police force where everyone deems all races equally. Yet to say that all Police are racist and unfair is a huge exaggeration and overstatement.

The Police are no doubt perfect yet they are a force for goodness in the world and so need to represent such goodness in all their employees. Thus when one lone policeman shoots a Black person in arguably a wrong scenario, the news is spread rapidly and the supposed ‘goodness’ of the police force is heavily argued about. When such a scenario happens again and again then there is reason to have doubts and this is why the Black Lives Matter movement are campaigning so hard to have scrutiny in the police force and fairness amongst who they target.

This matter against the police is a rather difficult thing to talk about. There are more Black deaths from policeman and yet there is more crime in the Black community than any other community in America. Hence why this topic is so hard to talk about and hence why people’s opinions can often be made to be racist.

I highly encourage you excellent readers out there to look at some studies, particularly this one:

It is important to understand the full picture when it comes to the police force and the Black Lives Matter campaign for it is indeed a difficult topic to grasp.