Social Activism in the Postmodern Age:
BLM Around the World:
Photos of #BlackLivesMatter Across the World
Social Activism in the Postmodern Age:
Jenkins - Confronting the challenges of participatory culture
Ellcessor - Partici-bility: The rhetoric and realities of participatory culture and disability online
Black Lives Matter Home
Black Lives Matter Art
Diani - Social Movement Networks Virtual and Real
Burgess and Green - YouTube: Online video and participatory culture
Carr - Is Google Making Us Stupid?
Turkle - Stop Googling. Let's Talk.
Ellcessor - Partici-bility: The rhetoric and realities of participatory culture and disability online
Black Lives Matter Home
Black Lives Matter Art
Diani - Social Movement Networks Virtual and Real
Burgess and Green - YouTube: Online video and participatory culture
Carr - Is Google Making Us Stupid?
Turkle - Stop Googling. Let's Talk.
BLM Around the World:
Artworks for BLM
The Digital Divide and what it means for BLM:
Clinton - Clinton Condemns the Digital Divide
Pew Research - Digital Divide 2015
American Press Institute - The Digital Divide Hispanics and Blacks
New York Press - No Digital Divide Among Black, White Millenials
Aaron Smith - African Americans and Technology Use
Jenkins Et al. - Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture
Pew Research - Digital Divide 2015
American Press Institute - The Digital Divide Hispanics and Blacks
New York Press - No Digital Divide Among Black, White Millenials
Aaron Smith - African Americans and Technology Use
Jenkins Et al. - Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture